10GYM Member Portal

Register for an Account and Book a class

To register an account:

  1.  Visit https://10gym.trainerize.com/app/logon.aspx

2.  First time logging in –click “Forgot password/Resend invite” to receive an email invitation.

3.  Enter your email and Select the FIND MY ACCOUNT button.


4.  Open the email you received from 10GYM or ABC Trainerize (our app provider) and reset

your password and complete the registration info.

5.  Now you are ready to log in to the 10GYM member portal


  1. There is a section labeled UPCOMING CLASSES, to the right click on “Find a class”
  2. Locate the day and time for the class you want to book and click on the blue button on the right labeled


  1. The details of that class will pop up and then you click on the blue button again.
  2. You will receive a confirmation your class has been booked at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Then on your dashboard under THINGS TO DO at the top, you will see your class when you go to the date the class is scheduled for.


  1. GREAT JOB – You’re all set.