10GYM Offers Functional Training
-- Making Us The Best Gym In Oklahoma!
Functional training has been labeled as the gift that keeps on giving. This kind of training enhances your overall health. Plus, you’ll see an improvement in your overall health and self-understanding of your body. This is because functional training targets exercises and movements that you do frequently and possibly on a daily basis, such as lifting, squatting, pulling, and more. In other words, functional training improves your body’s performance of everyday movements. The outcome is that you’ll see an improvement in your quality of life.
At 10GYM, we have dedicated areas in our clubs that offer functional training equipment. This allows you to engage multiple muscle groups in a single movement and using your own body weight and stability to challenge yourself. By doing these exercises, you’re preparing your body for strong movements that can be adapted in the real world. Our 10GYM members love our dedicated areas, as they can target the muscle groups and do the exercises that best benefit them. Join Online or at any of our 10GYM locations today.